Morning Glory - CAE & PSC exhibits
soft pastels on pastel paper, 17h x 12wI am inspired by the landscapes around me. In winter the glistening snow sparkles like a jewel.
Summer Garden - new
soft pastels on pastel paper, 14h x 11w
From our porch we marvel at the abundant blooms of summer in the garden.
Mountain Majesties - CAE exhibit - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 14h x 11wAs you watch rapids, you can feel the power of water carving out canyons.
Magical Path - Open Door Studio - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 11h x 9wAs the full moon was rising, my backyard seemed magically transformed.
Hidden Stream - CAE & Open Door - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 14h x 11wIn hidden streams the water dances between shadows and light.
Among the Giants - new
soft pastels on pastel paper, 20h x 16w
The old growth pines tower like giants in the Olympic Peninsula.
Look Up! - new
soft pastels on wooden panel, 16h x 20wGolden aspens in fall draw your gaze to the clear azure sky.
Sunny Field - CAE exhibit - sold
soft pastels on gatorboard, 11h x 14w
Wildflowers in the sun invite us for a strol through the meadow.
Into the Woods
soft pastels on wooden panel, 11h x 14wIn the woods, the path can lead you one way or another depending on your perspective.
Shady Bench - NFS
soft pastels on wooden panel, 14h x 11w
A shady bench at the botanic gardens provides a peaceful resting spot.
Frozen Lake - CAE & Open Door Studio - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 8h x 10wThe air is crisp most winter days in the Rockies and you can see the Continental Divide.
Skagit Valley Flower Farm - NFS
soft pastels on pastel paper, 24h x 30wThe rich soil in valleys carved by glaciers gives rise to an abundance of flowers.
On the Marsh - NFS
soft pastels on pastel paper, 16h x 20wThe waters on the SC lowland marsh are calm and clear in late summer.
Buffalo Overlook
soft pastels on pastel paper, 11h x 14wThe highway cuts across a peaceful setting as the buffaloes feed with the setting sun.
A River Runs Through It - CAE exhibit - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 16h x 20wWinding rivers offer refuge to trout hiding among the rocks.
Sunny Path - PSC small works exhibit
soft pastels on pastel paper, 5h x 7wOn a sunny hike, I could hardly wait to see what lay behind the bend.
Fall Shadows - CAE exhibit - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 11h x 14wEarly fall has a golden glow, casting long shadows that fade with the falling leaves.
Wildfires Are Coming - Open Door - sold
soft pastels on pastel paper, 11h x 16wAs wildfires approach, the windmill turns to face the wind and we wait hoping for the best.